About CCCA

Czech Contemporary Circus Association is an open association of independent professionals and organisations active in the field of new circus across the Czech Republic. As a professional organisation and platform, it serves all those wishing to contribute to the development of new circus in the CR.

In the long term, CCCA aims to focus its activities on the support, facilitation and delivery of activities and events leading to the development of the new circus scene in the Czech Republic.

CCCA’s main goal is to provide all-round support to the entities and individuals of Czech new circus, fostering their development and professionalisation by facilitating communication between members and public administration, organising specialist seminars and workshops and presenting the Czech scene in the CR and abroad.

The main directions of the CCCA’s activities:

The Association participates in strategic negotiations on key issues in the field of performing arts, such as the status of the artist and cultural policy. It liaises with other professional organisations, facilitating the exchange of information and sharing it further between actors in the scene. It draws up strategic documents for the development of the field and seeks to improve the conditions for its implementation. It contributes its voice to debates on cultural policy.

Promotion and communication
CCCA promotes the contemporary circus as an art form, and contributes to its visibility and recognition by both the general and professional public. It facilitates relations and cooperation between contemporary circus entities throughout the country. It supports touring of contemporary subjects in the regions of the Czech Republic and abroad, sharing their experience or contacts.

CCCA strives to create a long-term concept of circus education in the Czech Republic. It is active in organising seminars/workshops for its members on currently needed topics, both artistically oriented and managerial.

CCCA communicates about current events in the field of new circus in the Czech Republic and abroad, for example through its website and newsletter, where it publishes open calls, calls for proposals, grant opportunities and other information. It can maintain a database of artists, festivals, residency centres, etc.

What are the statutes of the Association?

Here you can read them in czech language: statutes

Who is on the Board of Directors of the Association?

Jiří Turek, director of Letni Letna festival
Ondřej Holba, director and lecturer
board member
Eliška Jevičová, director of CIRQUEON
board member
Jana Ryšlavá, artistic director MOVE Ostrava
board member
Ondřej Vykoukal, director of Cirk La Putyka and Jatka78
člen představenstva

Project partner in 2024