Circostrada: an overview of Street and Circus arts in Morocco

Discover the new publication edited by Circostrada on Street and Circus arts in Morocco!

Since the inaugural États Généraux de la Culture (General Assembly on Culture) in 2014, the landscape for Street and Circus arts has evolved considerably, with the arrival on the scene of new companies and projects, the creation of a Moroccan Street art federation as well as international cooperation projects.

This publication draws up a non-exhaustive overview of circus and street arts in Morocco, highlighting the dynamics at play at local, regional, national level and presents the key players in the field through different focuses.

The contents of this resource are the fruit of research and observation, of the knowledge gained in the frame of the KAHWA meeting but also of the contributions of Racines and the Circostrada members, who shared their reporting tools, as well as their experiences and knowledge regarding Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

Circostrada – Street and Circus arts in Morocco_English version